

Note the retractable pen vs. the removable found in the Signature I Knife. The Signature is a common Victorinox 58mm Swiss Army Knife containing the same main tools as the Classic, but replacing the toothpick with a pen.

The Signature Lite and Signature Laser were later additions to the family, also replacing the tweezers
- See the Scale Tools and Models sections for details.

Layer Tools

Various Signature Versions - Click for Details
Various Signature Versions - Click for Details

Scale Tools


Like the Classic, the Signatures come in a wide variety of colours, including several translucent colours. However the Signature is not available with scales in any material other than Cellidor (plastic). The Silver-tech scales are available on the Signature Lite model.


The Signature Family has three major models. The variations being the inclusion, or not, of an LED light or red laser, and also the design of the pen.

Signature I

This was the original Signature and included a small removable ballpoint pen in the scales (- see image below).
It is no longer manufactured.


The Signature (II) is an improved design that addressed the poor (due to its size) writing ability of the small removable pen in the original model.
The Signature II has a retractable  pen, which is engaged by pushing down a small grey slide, located about half way up the scale. Since the pen remains connected to the knife, the knife body improves the length and usability of the pen. The nail-file can also be opened, when using the pen, to further increase overall length, allowing it to rest better in the hand (- see image below).
The Signature II is now referred to as the Signature, since the original model is no longer manufactured.

Signature Lite

A later model, the Signature Lite replaces the tweezers in the Signature with a small white LED light.
Note: In the original version the light was red - The white light is significantly brighter than the red light.

The light is activated by pressing and holding the Victorinox shield in the scales, which acts as a momentary switch.
In 2008 Victorinox introduced the Signature Lite with the new clear translucent SilverTech scales. These scales feature the new white LED light.

Signature Laser

Very similar to the Signature Lite, with the LED light being replaced with a red laser. The laser variation was introduced in 2007.
It is no longer manufactured.


In 2020 the Black Onyx version of the Signature Lite was released . This variation has black scales and metal tools treated with a polispectral black coating, the nail-file in the regular model is replaced by a black 58mm ruler, and it is supplied with a black lanyard.
A Spartan and Ranger 55 were also released as part of the Black Onyx set.

Signatures with Retractable and Removable Pens
Signatures with Retractable and Removable Pens


  • 0.6225: Signature: Red scales (54091)
  • 4.6227.T: Signature Laser: Translucent ruby-red scales (59590)

Signature Lites:

  • 0.6226*: Red scales (54191: Red light; 53186: White light)
  • 0.6226.T*: Translucent ruby-red scales (53187: For the white light version)
  • 0.6226.T2*: Translucent sapphire-blue scales (53188: For the white light version)
  • 0.6226.T7: SilverTech scales (54752)
  • 0.6226.31P: Onyx black with PS tools

* The Victorinox model number is identical for the red and white LED versions

US Model Numbers: (also in brackets above) - All Signatures below

  • 54092: Blue scales
  • 54093: Black scales
  • 54094: Hunter green scales
  • 54095: Rust scales
  • 54100: Lemon yellow scales
  • 54101: Translucent ruby scales
  • 54104: Translucent emerald-green scales
  • 54105: Translucent sapphire-blue scales
  • 54106: Translucent onyx scales
  • 54108: Translucent yellow/lemon (citrine) scales

Related Models

  • Classic - Same main tools as the Signature, but has a toothpick instead of the pen
  • Manager - Has a pen and tweezers like the Signature, but adds the 58mm combi tool to the main tools - ie the Rambler main toolset
  • Stylus - Replaces the pen with a plastic stylus to be used on touchscreen devices like PDAs
  • Secure - Adds an encryption enabled USB storage device
Created by RedRamage. Last Modification: Tuesday 23 of April, 2024 06:43:01 CEST by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

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