
Browsing Gallery: W - 85mm - Biggies

Gallery for Wenger 85mm models with seven layers or more
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EVO Grip S54
[35207 Hits]

Matterhorn - Original
[17157 Hits]

Matterhorn Plus
[16690 Hits]

Snap Shackle - Large
[9082 Hits]

Tool Chest
[20323 Hits]

Tool Chest Plus
[150018 Hits]

Tool Chest Plus
[38196 Hits]

Wenger Champ
[29391 Hits]

Wenger Champ
[24521 Hits]

Wenger Classic 28
[5956 Hits]

Wenger Colonel / Oberst - no keyring
[14372 Hits]

Wenger Matterhorn Plus
[6115 Hits]

Wenger Monarch
[20144 Hits]

Wenger Monarch with locking blade - back
[3106 Hits]

Wenger Monarch with locking blade - front
[3355 Hits]

Wenger Serrated Tool Chest
[10416 Hits]

Wenger Serrated Tool Chest
[9554 Hits]

Wenger Serrated Tool Chest
[9356 Hits]

Wenger Supertalent 54
[36017 Hits]

Wenger The Pointer
[4084 Hits]

Wenger Tool Chest - Printed vs. Stamped Car Image Detail
[14809 Hits]

Wenger Tool Chest (original) - Comparison
[15569 Hits]

Wenger Tool Chest Plus
[6704 Hits]

Wenger Tool Chest Plus with Snap Shackle
[26714 Hits]

Wenger Tool Chest Serrated
[5175 Hits]

Wenger Tool Chest size
[5563 Hits]

Wenger Tool Chest size
[6421 Hits]

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image