
Browsing Gallery: Wenger - Historical

Historical, or historically significant images, for the Wenger company.
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Coutellerie-Sussie Table Knife - 1890s
One of the early companies that would eventually forum Wenger. The Maker's Mark is very similar to an early one used by Wenger, giving some insight into the origins of that mark.
(807x612) [4988 Hits]

Monarch 85mm circa. 1970

(849x699) [3190 Hits]

Wenger 1893 Heritage Knife - 1
A limited edition knife built by Wenger in 2008 to commemorate their 100th Anniversary. The knife is a replica of the 1908 knife manufactured by Wenger, and originally manufactured in 1893.
(271x379) [6034 Hits]

Wenger 1893 Heritage Knife - 2

(640x434) [7159 Hits]

Wenger 1893 Heritage Knife - 3
The Wenger 1893 Heritage Knife posing, and looking sharp.
(1287x605) [11915 Hits]

Wenger 1893 Heritage Knife - 4
Wenger 1893 Heritage Knife, image used for Wiki page
(289x1197) [18082 Hits]

Wenger Cheese Knife
This Wenger Cheese knife features a rosewood handle with metal inlays. The stamp indicates the knife is from the Appenzell region of Switzerland, known for their famous Appenzeller cheese.
(1062x585) [3992 Hits]

Wenger Fondue Forks
A set of 6 Wenger Fondue forks, stamped Wegerinox Switzerland
(750x571) [4591 Hits]

Wenger Soldat - 1908 Model

(1200x1096) [7936 Hits]

Wenger Soldat - 1951 Model

(1200x1053) [6717 Hits]

Wenger SwissLine Tableware
The set of SwissLine tableware and paring knife are branded SwissLine and are printed and/or stamped Wenger. No additional information about them was available.
(506x729) [4534 Hits]

Wenger Vintage 82mm
A vintage Wenger probably from the 1960's, it has exposed rivets and shackle a 4 turn grooved corkscrew and it has the Federal Shield emblem. Its stamped "Wenger Switzerland" on the front and "Wengerinox" on the rear.It measures 82mm and not the standard 85mm of today's Wengers
(750x620) [8052 Hits]

Wenger Vintage Wax Paper Knife Wrapper
cira 1950s (estimated)
(1056x988) [3615 Hits]

Wenger-Tahara 91mm Red Suisse-Crossbow Shield
Wenger Tahara 91mm, 2-layers, and Red Suisse-Crossbow shield.
(889x710) [5866 Hits]

Wenger-Tahara 91mm Red Suisse-Crossbow Shield
Wenger Tahara 91mm, 2-layers, and Red Suisse-Crossbow shield.
(1108x782) [7069 Hits]

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

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