

Victorinox Altimeter The Victorinox Altimeter is a 91mm Swiss Army Knife that adds a digital thermometer and altimeter to the popular Climber.

The Altimeter Plus adds a woodsaw to the Altimeter model.

As of around 2008 the Altimeter and Altimeter Plus models were discontinued being replaced with the Traveller models.

Layer Tools

Altimeter Plus - with fine screwdriver
Altimeter Plus - with the fine screwdriver
Altimeter Plus - no fine screwdriver
Altimeter Plus - no fine screwdriver

The Altimeter Plus adds a:

Back Layer Tools

The Altimeter Plus adds the:

Scale Tools


Ruby transparent scales with LCD digital display


The Altimeter became available in about 2000 and originally had the regular bottom scale. US model 53955 appears to be a later version with the new 'digital' bottom scale that holds all four scale tools: The removable ballpoint pen; toothpick; small tweezers; and straight pin.

The original version of the Altimeter Plus also came with the regular bottom scale and included the fine screwdriver on the reverse - US Model 53944.

The Altimeters were withdrawn in 2008, being replaced by the Traveller, which contains all digital functions (clock, timer, altimeter, barometer) in one digital unit


The Altimeter Plus Expedition Set model came with a leather case; a Maglite Solitaire; and a compass/level/ruler. This knife in this set included the back side fine screwdriver, tweezers, pen, pin, and eyeglass/jewelers screwdriver - US Model 53522.

Physical Specifications

  • Length: 91mm
  • Width: Altimeter: 20.5mm;  Altimeter Plus: 22mm - original version (53944) without pen or tweezers
  • Weight: Altimeter: 90g;  Altimeter Plus: 101.5g - original version (53944) without pen or tweezers


  • 1.3705.AT - Altimeter: Ruby transparent scales
  • 1.3714.AT - Altimeter Plus: Ruby translucent scales - no tweezers and ballpoint pen - may not include the fine screwdriver
  • 1.3715.AT - Altimeter Plus: Ruby translucent scales - may not include the fine screwdriver

US Model Numbers:

  • 53955 - Altimeter: Ruby Scales - Removable ballpoint pen, toothpick, tweezers, and pin - ie later 'Electronic' scales
  • 53934 - Altimeter: Ruby Scales - Removable toothpick only - older model
  • 53957 - Altimeter Plus: Ruby translucent scales - later version
  • 53944 - Altimeter Plus: Older Model - Includes the fine screwdriver on the back side
  • 53522 - Altimeter Plus: Expedition Set - Details in Variations

Related Models

  • Climber - No digital display or functions in the scales (or saw)
  • Voyager - Contains a digital clock instead of the altimeter tool
  • Traveller - Adds a digital clock/timer functions and a barometer to the Altimeter (no saw)

Created by ICanFixThat. Last Modification: Friday 01 of March, 2024 23:58:52 CET by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

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