
Bit Driver

The bit-driver was introduced into the Victorinox Swiss Army Knife lineup in the more recent Cybertool models in 1999. It provides a 4mm hex bit-driver that accepts a variety of double-ended changeable bits (see below).

Its original intended application was to be used with computers, with its small bits and the 5mm hex-nut-driver, that is used on nuts which were used to secure the D-type electronic connectors, often used for serial-ports, or on older monitor connectors. Although, these connectors and computers, are falling out of use, and are less common these days. However, the Cybertool is still very popular and useful as a general-use multi-capable screwdriver.

The driver is designed for use in the fully open position, as well as in the 90º, or 'half-stop' position, where it forms a right-angle with the knife handle.

The bit-driver is paired with a bit-carrier or bit-rack in the same layer. This is a plastic carrier that can hold three bits, which is located under the driver. One additional bit is stored in the driver when it is closed, or in use. The bits are held in place in the driver with a ball-bearing retention mechanism.


The following bits are supplied with the standard Cybertool models:

  • Phillips #2 / Slotted 4mm - (A.7680.14 / 30543)
  • Pozidrive #0 / #1 (A.7680.20 / 30546)
    • Can also be used for Phillips #0 / #1
  • Torx #10 / #15 (A.7680.35 / 30545)
  • Torx #8 / Hex 4mm * - (A.7680.64 / 30544)

The SwissChamp XAVT and SwissChamp XXLT contain two bit drivers -
These additional bits are supplied with these models in the second bit-rack:

  • Slotted 3x1mm / 4x1mm *
  • Torx #6 / #8 (A.7680.34)
  • Hex 1.2mm / 1.5mm (A.7680.60)
  • Hex 2mm / 2.5mm (A.7680.62)

The special edition Beretta Cybertool 34 featured a unique set of bits for servicing a Beretta pistol.
It contained the bits marked * above and these two additional custom bits:

  • Hex 2 / 3 mm
  • Slotted 4.5x0.4mm / 4.5x0.7mm

Replacement part numbers in brackets: Standard: A.7680.xx / US: 3054x

Created by ICanFixThat. Last Modification: Thursday 25 of July, 2024 12:50:18 CEST by Huntsman.

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