Discontinued model
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Layer Tools
For the Cigar Cutter user guide - See the Cigar Cutter page.
Scale Tools
Silver Alox with a red Victorinox shield.
This model was introduced around 2007. It looks like it was retired round about 2016 being replaced by the Delémont Cigar Models, although these models had a very different design, and were themselves discontinued at a later date.
Luxury versions with gold-plated, palladium-plated, or lacquered brass scales, were available from the cigar maker Davidoff. See the main image above. Variations of the Davidoff version have been seen with a small blade replacing the nail-file (à la Executive).
Physical Specifications
- Length: 74mm
- Width: 9.7mm
- Weight: 44g
- 0.6580.16: Silver Alox model
- 54850: Silver Alox, supplied in tin packaging (US model number)
Related Models
- Cigar 36 and 79 - Victorinox Delémont models with a cigar cutter of a different design
- Ambassador - No cigar cutter; Cellidor scales
- Money Clip - No cigar cutter; money clip; various coloured Alox scales
- Windsor - No cigar cutter; stainless steel scales
- Cigar Cutter - A Wenger model with a very different cigar cutting tool