
Lockblade Knife

Victorinox Lockblade knife red 0.8803.W The Lockblade Knife is an unusual two-layer Victorinox slide-locking model that is similar to the Cheese Knife, exchanging the cheese blade for a wood saw. It became available for purchase in 2019.

Layer Tools

Note: No opener layer

Back Layer Tools

Scale Tools


Standard red scratch resistant Nylon scales.


This model appeared in late 2019, a couple of years after  Victorinox stopped making slide-lock 111mm models. It most likely came about as Victorinox was using up old stock of 111mm slide-lock parts. SAKWiki understands that this model was primarily available from the Victorinox factory/outlet stores, (Ibach, Roermond, Berlin), although it was also available via a Swiss eBay seller. We also understand that it was known as the 'Messer ohne Name' - 'Knife without name!' (Source: Victorinox outlet store employee via MultiTool.org). Its box was labelled Lockblade Knife, with the product code, this may be a generic name.

Physical Specifications

  • Length: 111mm
  • Height: 31mm (max)
  • Width: 15.6mm
  • Weight: 80g


  • 0.8803.W: Slide-locking, red scales

Related Models

  • Cheese Knife - Replaces the wood saw with a cheese blade
  • Lovec - Liner-lock OH model released for the Czech market; replaces the corkscrew with a Phillips screwdriver
Created by xfile. Last Modification: Tuesday 07 of June, 2022 10:06:35 CEST by Nick4.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image