
SwissChamp XLT

Victorinox SwissChamp XLT The SwissChamp XLT is a very large eleven-layer  Swiss Army Knife made by Victorinox.
It extends the popular, and well known, SwissChamp by three layers, to give it a whopping fifty functions.
The XLT adds the spatula, bit-driver/bit holder and the electrician's and small pruner blades to the already large tool selection of the SwissChamp.

Layer Tools

Back Layer Tools

Scale Tools


Ruby red, semi-translucent Cellidor


The SwissChamp XLT was introduced in the year 2000 shortly after the Cybertool became available. It replaced the much rarer SwissChamp XL model which had only been in production for a couple of years. Whilst the SwissChamp XAVT is rarely carried as an everyday tool, some users do carry the XLT regularly due to its extensive tool capability.

Physical Specifications

  • Length: 91mm
  • Width: 42mm
  • Weight: 247g (8.8 oz)


  • 1.6795.XLT (US model number: 53504)

Related Models

  • SwissChamp - The regular base SwissChamp model, removing three layers: The spatula, bit-driver, electrician's and small pruner blades
  • Cybertools - A smaller family of models that include the bit-driver tool
  • SwissChamp XL - The Cybertool is replaced by a divot tool
  • SwissChamp XXLT - A much larger model with four more layers, including a lighter
  • SwissChamp XAVT - Another 15-layer model, including a flashlight

External Resources

Created by stressmaster5000. Last Modification: Monday 15 of August, 2022 10:46:15 CEST by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image