
Victorinox Deluxe Series

The Deluxe was produced as a small series of six knives (later extended to eight), with five of them featuring a high luster enamel finish, and one gold scaled model. All the knives feature the same tool configuration of pen-blade, scissors, and nail-file with cleaner tip.

See the Deluxe model page for more detailed information.

Deluxe Series

Victorinox Deluxe Set - 2

Taken from a Victorinox brochure the De Luxe series pictures appears to be Rev. 2 of the set as each model features the Victorinox shield in gold, but the initial set did not include the shield.  Date is estimated to be approximately 1987. **Inkjet print provided by VSAKCS founder Dan Jacquart, digitizing by ICanFixThat.

Victorinox knives from an 'extended' DeLuxe Series that seems to add a substantially different Red and Blue model to the basic series that was advertised. Not much is known if these were really different edition or manufacturing variations. There are coincidentally though two numbers missing from the sequential progression of article-numbers for the basic series. More information is required and these new editions. **Photos by Alexei Fox; processing by ICFT

Created by ICanFixThat. Last Modification: Tuesday 11 of June, 2019 00:13:01 CEST by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image