
Whitetail Deer

Victorinox Whitetail Deer or 'Deer Hunstman' variation. A member of the SMKW Wildlife Series. **Photo By: Coloswiss, processing by ICFT. The Victorinox Whitetail Deer is a 91mm Swiss Army Knife that was part of the Smoky Mountain Knife Works (SMKW) exclusive Wildlife Series. For details see this page.

Its toolset is similar to the Hiker model, but with an extra layer containing an inline Phillips screwdriver and an LED Light (similar to the Spartan Lite ); also the very unusual feature of a fine screwdriver tool replacing the standard backside reamer (in common with all Wildlife Series models); plus the SMKW unique Wildlife Series scales
The inclusion of both Phillips screwdrivers on a single model is very uncommon.

Layer Tools

Back Layer Tools

Scale Tools


Hunter green Cellidor with a color print of a whitetail deer and the white lettered printing WHITETAIL DEER.


This model was originally labeled the Deer Huntsman in advertising, but as it is missing the scissors and corkscrew, it is not really related to the Huntsman, being more of an enhanced Hiker.

Physical Specifications

  • Length: 91mm


59684: US Model - Hunter green Cellidor scales and boxed

Related Models 

Other models in the Wildlife Series

Standard Models

  • Hiker - Removes the LED light and inline-Phillips layer; the fine-screwdriver is replaced by a reamer
  • Huntsman Lite - Add scissors; replaces the back Phillips with corkscrew, and the fine-screwdriver with a reamer
Created by ICanFixThat. Last Modification: Monday 04 of March, 2024 11:35:52 CET by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image