

An Assortment of Hoffritz Models
An Assortment of Hoffritz Models
Limited Edition Hoffritz  - Marked n/2000
Limited Edition Hoffritz - Marked n/2000

The Company

The U.S. firm of Hoffritz was loosely associated with the German firm of the same name.
The company was established in New York City in the early 1930's. They were importers, retailers and wholesalers of a wide range of cutlery products, including knives, razors and scissors. Most of their products came from the better quality makers in Solingen, Germany.

Hoffritz and Victorinox

Hoffritz was a major importer of Victorinox Swiss Army Knives into the U.S in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Most of their SAKs were standard models, usually branded as HOFFRITZ in some way, they are fairly common. Hoffritz also commissioned several Limited Edition models with unique tool combinations (see images below right and this link. These models are rare and expensive.


Hoffritz SAKs carry a wide variety of markings, with the company name on the tang, blade or handle. Most models also carry the Victorinox name on the tang, although some do not.

  • Early models typically had a metal inlaid HOFFRITZ on the bottom of the top scale (along with the traditional Victorinox shield) and HOFFRITZ as the main blade tang stamp, with SWITZERLAND STAINLESS ROSTFREI on the reverse.
  • Later the scale marking was switched to a hot-stamped HOFFRITZ on the top scale and the blade markings were switched to standard Victorinox markings

A detailed view of the Hoffritz 91mm SAK tang stamps is chronicled here.

WIP - Section to be expanded


At one time Hoffritz had almost 200 stores in the U.S., but declining sales and other problems led to the company's demise in the early 1990s. The name Hoffritz was sold to the firm of Lifetime Hoan in 1995, and has been in continued used for a variety of kitchen knives and utensils since then.

Created by enki_ck. Last Modification: Tuesday 23 of April, 2024 08:56:14 CEST by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

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