
Browsing Gallery: W - 85mm - Specialist Models - SGT GC Models and Tools

Gallery for the SGT (SGF?) Fix-It and Shortix models and tools, designed for use in Gas Chromatography (GC) laboratories. Tools and models were a collaboration between Wenger and Scientific Glass Technologies (SGT), the models also included Bergeon micro-tools. There seems to be some misunderstanding as to whether it is SGT or SGF - as some images are labelled SGF!
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Wenger SGF Shortix Plus - Back
[2921 Hits]

Wenger SGF Shortix Plus - Front
[10359 Hits]

Wenger SGF Shortix Plus - Tools displayed
[12678 Hits]

Wenger SGF Shortix Plus - Top
[10422 Hits]

Wenger SGT - GC Column Cutter - Side 1
[6055 Hits]

Wenger SGT - GC Column Cutter - Side 2
[6214 Hits]

Wenger SGT - GC Column Cutter - Top
[5900 Hits]

Wenger SGT - Micro-tool Case - Side 1
[7336 Hits]

Wenger SGT - Micro-tool Case - Side 2
[7384 Hits]

Wenger SGT - Micro-tool Handle - Includes injection port liner remover
[5646 Hits]

Wenger SGT - Micro-tool Handle - With ferrule remover
[5683 Hits]

Wenger SGT - Micro-tool Handle - With tools
[5424 Hits]

Wenger SGT - Micro-tool Holder
[7188 Hits]

Wenger SGT - Micro-tool Holder - With ferrule remover
[6459 Hits]

Wenger SGT - Micro-tool Holder - With septum hook
[6437 Hits]

Wenger SGT - Removable Wrench
[5178 Hits]

Wenger SGT Fix-It - With all tools displayed - Including micro-tool handle
[5467 Hits]

Wenger SGT Fix-It Plus
[9916 Hits]

Wenger SGT Fix-It Plus - Back
[2914 Hits]

Wenger SGT Fix-It Plus - Front
[3048 Hits]

Wenger SGT Fix-It Plus - Top
[9253 Hits]

Wenger SGT Fix-It Plus - With box
[9034 Hits]

Wenger SGT Shortix - Instructions - Diamond Column Cutter - 1
[3605 Hits]

Wenger SGT Shortix - Instructions - Diamond Column Cutter - 2
[3958 Hits]

Wenger SGT Shortix - Instructions - Main
[3791 Hits]

Wenger SGT Shortix - Two Colours - Front Side
[10261 Hits]

Wenger SGT Shortix - Two Colours - Rear Side
[2934 Hits]

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image