Like other knives in the SwissBuck series though, the handles are of a black nylon construction with grip retention grooves.
This model was also known as the Tailgater.
Layer Tools
Back Layer Tools
- Corkscrew
- Awll/Reamer
- Short Chain with Split-Ring (lanyard/keyring attachment)
Scale Tools
Black synthetic scales with ribbing and a Buck logo on top and bottom scales. This handle design is exclusive to the SwissBuck line.
SwissBuck knives were made by Wenger for exclusive import by Buck Knives beginning in 1991 with 10 models, and were discontinued in 1998.
Physical Specifications
- Length: 85mm
- Width: 13.2mm
- Weight: 52g
- 87531 SwissBuck: US distribution
Related Models
- Trekker - adds a woodsaw
- Globetrotter - nailfile replaces small-blade, Phillips replaces corkscrew
- Viking - same basic tools; by Wenger
- Tourist - same basic tools; by Victorinox