
Victorinox Camper Small

Image courtesy of Favorite Things (Dan V) from MultiTool.org This model is the 84mm version of the now more common 91mm Camper model.

It has been discontinued since around the 1980s.

Layer Tools

Image courtesy of Favorite Things (Dan V) from MultiTool.org   Image courtesy of Favorite Things (Dan V) from MultiTool.org

Back Layer Tools

Scale Tools

Note: The small Camper in the images does not have the T&T.
It is not known if this was standard, or whether T&T was an option.

Older models (optionally?) had a:

  • Bail - 'Bgl' suffix to the model code


Red Cellidor


In the early days of the Victorinox pocket knives most of the original models were available in the 91 or  84mm (k = klein) size. Given that the saw was one of the first tools to be introduced in 1902, in addition to the standard six tools of the original Officer's Knife, this model has most likely been around since the early twentieth century. It certainly appears in the 1942 catalogue, as model 237k, with the old-style can-opener - See image below. In the 1980s Victorinox started to withdraw many 84mm models in favour of the 91mm range.

Note: The Small Camper in the images has the clip-point small blade, a Victoria/crossbow tang stamp, sloping saw-teeth, and PAT stamp on the can-opener - So is probably from the early 60s.

1942 Catalogue Page Showing Model 237k
1942 Catalogue Page Showing Model 237k

Physical Specifications

  • Length: 84mm


  • 237k: Historical model number - With bail - Add 'Bgl' suffix

Related Models

  • Small Climber - The saw is replaced by the scissors
  • Alumnus - The small blade is replaced by the nail-file; the saw by the scissors
  • Tourist - Removes the saw

  • Camper - The 91mm version with same main toolset
Created by Huntsman. Last Modification: Sunday 27 of October, 2024 23:34:06 CET by Huntsman.

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Victorinox Models

Delémont Collection

Size Layers Pics
130mm 1 2 3 4 Image
85mm - 2 3 4 5 + Image
65mm 1 2 3 Image

Wenger Models

Additional Information

Additional Image Galleries Image