
SwissBuck Swissmate I

SwissBuck SwissMate I The SwissBuck Swissmate I is a single-layer 120mm model with a large locking clip-point style main blade.

The 120mm SwissBuck models included a Buck branded nylon belt sheath.
The SwissBuck knives are manufactured by Wenger for exclusive import by Buck Knives, USA.

Discontinued model.

Layer Tools

Back Layer Tools


Black synthetic scales with the Buck logo on the top scale, with a red lock-release button and a Buck logo also on the bottom scale.
This style of handles are exclusive to SwissBuck models.


A similar SwissBuck model is available with a corkscrew instead of the Phillips screwdriver. The official name for this model is not known.


SwissBuck knives were made by Wenger for exclusive import by Buck Knives beginning in 1991. The larger 120mm models were added to the series later.
All SwissBuck models and were discontinued in 1998.

SwissBuck Packaging
SwissBuck Box and Sheath


  • 87551 Buck Knives: US distribution

Related Models



Created by Bear_Claw_Chris_Lappe. Last Modification: Friday 02 of December, 2022 12:21:06 CET by Huntsman.

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